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Referenza completa

Agostinelli, Cataldo:
Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana Serie 3 20 (1965), fasc. n.1, p. 1-79, Zanichelli (Italian)
Sezione Scientifica
pdf (5.12 MB), djvu (2.08 MB). | MR 181203

Referenze Bibliografiche
[1] C. AGOSTINELLI , Magnetofluidodinamica, (in corso di pubblicazione nelle Monografie del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche).
[2] H. ALFVÉV , Cosmical electrodynamics, (Oxford Univ. Press., 1950). | Zbl 0038.43201
[3] G. ARMELLINI , I fondamenti scientifici dell'Astrofisica, (Hoepli, Milano, 1953). | Zbl 0030.08402
[4] G. R. BATCHELOR , The theory of Homogeneous turbulence, (Cambridge Univ. Press. 1953). | MR 52268 | Zbl 0053.14404
[5] D. BERSHADER . The Magnetodynamics of conducting fluids, (Stanford Univ. Press, 1959}. | MR 110395 | Zbl 0092.22303
[6] S. CHANDRASEKHAR , Hydrodynamics and Hydromagnetic Stubility, (Oxford at the Claredon Press. 1961). | MR 128226 | Zbl 0142.44103
[7] S. CHANDRASEKHAR . Plasma Physics, (Chicago Univ. Press, 1962). | MR 135545 | Zbl 0098.22705
[8] S. CHAPMANN - T. G. COWLING , The mathematical theory of non uniform Gases (Cambridge Univ Press, 2a ed. 1952). | Zbl 0049.26102
[9] F. H. CLAUSER . Plasma dynamics. (Addison Wesley Publ. Comp. Inc. 1960). | MR 127309
[10] T. G. COWLING , Magnetohydrodynamics, (Interscience Publ. Inc. New York, 1957). | MR 98556 | Zbl 0071.41704
[11] J. W. DUNGEY . Cosmic electrodynamics, (Cambridge Univ. Press. 1958). | Zbl 0082.23603
[12] V. C. A. FERRARO - C. PLUMPTON , Magneto fluid-Mechanics. (Oxford Univ. Press, 1961). | Zbl 0105.39804
[13] F. N. FRENKIEL . W. R. SEARS , Magnetofluid Dynamics, Proceedings of a Symposium held in Williamsburg, Virginia and Washington, 1960 (Nat. Academy of Sciences). | Zbl 0102.20103
[14] R. K. M. LANDSHOFF , A Simposium on Magnetohydrodynamics, (Stanford Univ. Press. 1957). | Zbl 0082.20404
[15] R. K. M. LANDSHOFF , The plasma in a Magnetic field. (Stanford Univ. Press. 1958). | MR 115576
[16] C. C. LIN . The theory of Hydrodynamic stability, (Cambridge Univ. Press, 1955). | MR 77331 | Zbl 0068.39202
[17] J. G. LINHART (C. E . R. N.), Plasma Physics, (North Holland Publ. Comp. 1961). | MR 127308 | Zbl 0102.23306
[18] R. OSWATITSCH , Gas dynamics, (Academic Press Inc. Publ. 1956). | MR 81069
[19] SHIH - I- PAI , Magnetogasdynamics and Plasma Dynamics. (Wien Springer-Verlag. 1962). | MR 137449 | Zbl 0102.41702
[20] L. JR SPITZER , Physics of fully ionized gases. (Interscience Publ. Inc. 1956) | Zbl 0074.45001
[21] C. STÖRMER , The polar Aurora, Oxford Univ Press, 1955). | Zbl 0065.42107
[22] Atti del Simposio sulla Magnetofluidodinamica. (Bari 10-14 gennaio 1961), ed. Cremonese Roma. | MR 149805 | Zbl 0111.23801
[23] Magnetofluidodinamica, (C. I. M. E. 3° ciclo Varenna 28 settem. - 6 ottobre 1962) ed Cremonese Roma.

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