bdim: Biblioteca Digitale Italiana di Matematica

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Referenza completa

Rampichini, Marta:
Link fibrati scambiabili
Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana Serie 8 2-A (1999) —La Matematica nella Società e nella Cultura, fasc. n.1S —Supplemento Tesi di Dottorato, p. 53-56, Unione Matematica Italiana (Italian)
pdf (582 Kb), djvu (78 Kb).

Referenze Bibliografiche
[1] BIRMAN J., KO K. H. and LEE S. J., A new approach to the word problem in the braid groups, to appear in Advances in Mathematics (1997). | fulltext mini-dml
[2] BIRMAN J. and MENASCO W., Studying Links via Closed Braids I: A Finitness Theorem, Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 154 (1992), 17-36. | fulltext mini-dml | MR 1154731 | Zbl 0724.57001
[3] MORTON H. R., Exchangeable Braids, Lecture Notes in Science, 95 (1982), 86-105. | fulltext (doi) | MR 827298 | Zbl 0574.57002
[4] RUDOLPH L., Mutually braided open books and new invariants offibered links, Contemporary Mathematics, 78 (1988), 657-673. | fulltext (doi) | MR 975100 | Zbl 0669.57004
[5] STALLINGS J. R., Constructions of fibred knots and links, Proc. Symp. in Pure Math. of the A.M.S., 32 (1978), 55-60. | MR 520522 | Zbl 0394.57007

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